Resultados: 3

Competency-base training in nursing: limits and possibilities

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 48 (spe2), 2014
Objective To analyze the possibilities and limits of competency-based training in nursing. Method An integrative review of the literature on the subject was carried out, and an analysis was made of the results of a survey evaluating a nursing course based on areas of competency. A dialog was then establi...

Percepção do egresso de enfermagem sobre a contribuição do curso para o exercício do cuidado

Texto & contexto enferm; 22 (1), 2013
O estudo avaliou a formação em enfermagem ancorada na problematização e na aprendizagem baseada em problemas a partir da percepção dos egressos. Trata-se de estudo transversal de natureza ex-post-facto. Os resultados foram analisados na triangulação das abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa e na ...

Representations of eating and of a nutrition program among female caregivers of children under 5 years old in Tizimin, Yucatan, Mexico

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 17 (6), 2009
This study was carried out between January and April 2008 with 14 caregivers of children younger than 5 years residing in Tizimín city, Mexico. It aimed to understand the social representations of eating and the Programa Oportunidades [Opportunity Program] held by caregivers taking into account their so...